Trace Anything,
Anytime, Anywhere.

Peer Ledger Traceability enables supply chains to easily add new governance controls, ensuring continuous and systematic collection of bilaterally-verified product data. 

Product verification and reconciliation are continuous and transparent to compliance, operations & management areas at buyers and sellers.

Peer Ledger Traceability enables companies to generate compliance proofs for their responsible supply chains on demand. Fully traceable and trusted, reconciled and immutable record of transactions, documents, and metrics across entire supply chains.

Compliance Forward, Audit-Ready and Extensible

Peer Ledger Traceability adopts a "Compliance Forward" approach, improving data accuracy as every supply chain transaction mandates compliance actions from the sender and explicit receipt reconciliations.

Our Traceability platform provides industry with the ability to adapt and trace their supply chains using an easy modular approach. Experience on-the-fly supply chain extensibility and audit readiness, precise data access and thorough compliance at every step.

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Bilaterally-Validated Traceability

Peer Ledger Traceability embeds processes to obtain bilaterally-validated data within and across suppliers and buyers. These data and documents are made immutable.

This fosters a culture of transparency, reduces the likelihood of errors or fraud, and strengthens defences against evolving threats. Buyers and sellers can ensure accurate, reliable data and build a more secure, trustworthy supply chain.

Comprehensive Product Circularity and ESG Reporting

Peer Ledger Traceability promotes product circularity by recording and enabling the track-and-trace of all product life cycle events, including registration, packaging, custody and ownership changes, transformation, resale, recycling, refurbishment, or disposal. The ESG reporting aspect aggregates this data for comprehensive reporting to industry associations and responsible government agencies, ensuring transparency and compliance throughout the supply chain.

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Key Traceability Features


Continuously verify source and ESG product data on each supply tier

Supply Chain Mapping

Get automatic, continuous, and accurate mapping for changing supply chains after the first map.

End-to-end, real-time traceability

Access the most up-to-date data across all stakeholders on-demand


Use GPS data to geo-fence/locate sensitive upstream locations


Manage compliance documents and securely share with approved partners

Carbon Footprint

Actively monitor Scope 3 GHG emissions and get inputs to calculations

Multiple Tracking Granularities

Track and trace at individual item, lot, or bulk item levels for multiple supply chains


Corporate management gets new visibility into the supply chain operations of global units

ISO 27001 certified

Peer Ledger has a mature audited ISO-certified Information Security Management System.

Not all traceability systems are created equal

Other Systems

Many traceability systems rely on surveys conducted once or twice a year to gather data, or they use algorithms on incomplete subsets of a supply chain’s historical data to provide insights about a product and its journey.

Survey-based traceability systems experience significant time lags, hindering timely industry responses. Current methods of mapping supply chains are insufficient for accurately tracking the journey of individual items, lots, or bulk products.

Peer Ledger Tracing

A fully traceable, continuously verified, trusted, immutable and accurate record of transactions, documents, and metrics across the entire supply chain.

We achieve this by adding effective governance controls using blockchain, geo-fencing, GPS, and forward compliance processes while tracking every step of a product's journey in near real-time.


The ISO 27001-security certified Peer Ledger implements families of controls to protect financial and sustainability data from unauthorized access.

Our controls assure the confidentiality and integrity of financial and sustainability information.

No Circular Disconnects

Peer Ledger's Digital Product Passport platform auto-generates trusted internal product traces for employees and auditors, and repackages their supplier data in approved digital labels for customers, repairers, refurbishers, recyclers, and waste disposers.

Unlike many solutions, Peer Ledgers Digital Product Passport has been designed to meet the need for data accuracy of multiple stakeholders in the Circular Economy.

Supply Chain Solutions by Industry

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