Consumer Electronics

Strengthening governance controls within the consumer electronics industry. 

Ensure precise traceability, exceptional transparency, and intelligent digital labeling throughout supply chains.

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Putting Consumer Electronics in the Circular Economy

Gain complete oversight of the entire journey of components, subassemblies, and finished products, ensuring strict compliance with regulatory standards while minimizing waste and optimizing production schedules.

This advanced level of visibility empowers electronics manufacturers and retailers to provide product data to support and encourage repair and reuse, refurbishment, and recycling more effectively. Furthermore, even take-back programs are made more information efficient.

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Ensuring Compliance with Advanced Supply Chain Traceability

The consumer electronics industry must navigate a challenging regulatory landscape, with ever-tightening environmental standards and trade regulations demanding rigorous supply chain traceability.

Our solution empowers you to track the movement of components, subassemblies, and finished products with accuracy, ensuring strict compliance with these regulations. By utilizing our system, you can protect your operations, meet all regulatory demands, and avoid the financial risks associated with non-compliance.

Fully Auditable Supply Chains via Digital Product Passports

How we help

Our Full-Service Digital Product Passport

Our Digital Product Passport is a comprehensive, full-suite platform that offers an end-to-end record of all core product information and ESG data. 

Complete traceability and transparency, empowering companies to meet regulatory requirements and demonstrate their commitment to sustainability throughout the entire product lifecycle.

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Augment Your Existing Systems & Process

Our solutions are designed to work with your existing systems.

Whether you're aiming to improve traceability, accuracy, or efficiency, our technologies provide the tools you need to optimize operations and achieve your business goals.

Let us help elevate your supply chain with our innovative solutions.

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Professional & Advisory Services For Supply Chains

We provide comprehensive support to ensure that your supply chain not only operates efficiently but also adheres to global sustainability standards.

Whether you need assistance navigating complex regulatory requirements, implementing cutting-edge software systems, or developing strategic plans to drive your supply chain sustainability forward, we have the knowledge and experience to guide you through every step of the way.

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The Peer Ledger team members were very responsive and open to any suggestions we had to make. The software was intuitive and easy to use, and training was accompanied with step-by-step instructions.

We have a full range of features for the Consumer Electronics Industry

New Supply Chain Governance

Improve traceability accuracy for secure and effective end-to-end supply chain monitoring for multiple products, product components and their materials. Our system includes robust governance controls to reduce ESG risks, boost transparency, ensure compliance, and produce sustainable products.

Circularity & Reporting

Product circularity is supported by tracking all lifecycle events, including origin of parts and components, packaging compositions, custody and ownership changes, transformation, recycling, and disposal. Peer Ledger’s ESG reporting feature consolidates this data for reporting.

Intelligent Digital Labels

Peer Ledger collaborates with stakeholders to create customized digital product labels, ensuring each user type receives a personalized data view tailored to their specific needs, whether for recycling, consumption, or custodial purposes. Say goodbye to generic information!

On Demand Data

Our platform enables scalable, continuous, and timely supplier data collection in near real time, removing vexing data lags. Peer Ledger's embedded approach eliminates well-known survey and AI-related data collection issues.

Multiple Track-and Trace Granularities

Track and trace at different product granularities, including at serialized product or individual item-level (e.g. iPhones), lot-level (e.g., screws), or bulk-level (liquid gold).


Caters for seamless supplier additions and removals from supply chains, accommodating a wide range of company sizes from large enterprises to small businesses.

Visible & Auditable

Peer Ledger integrates processes requiring collaboration between at least two individuals for critical activities within and across organizations. This approach enhances transparency, improves visibility, and strengthens defenses against emerging threats. It also helps reduce errors and fraud, and supports comprehensive auditing by ensuring clear and accountable records.

Risk Mitigation

Our governance controls help organizations identify and assess supply chain risks, such as fraud, money laundering, and environmental harms. With these essential controls in place, organizations can also develop and implement effective strategies to mitigate these risks, ensuring robust risk management throughout the supply chain.

Electronics Part Authentication

Peer Ledger enables industries to authenticate any type of consumer or industrial product from its Digital Product Passport platform with just the use of a photo via an integration with Alitheon's FeaturePrint Optical-AI platform. Product authentication inspections and their results are automatically recorded and made visible to the right parties.

Segregation of Duties

Onboarding with Peer Ledger helps organizations clearly define and enforce roles and responsibilities to avoid conflicts of interest. It ensures duties are properly segregated among individuals or departments involved in sustainability and financial processes, including authorization, recording, and reconciliation.

Credible Sustainability Reporting

With Peer Ledger’s robust supply chain governance controls in place, you’re not just reporting sustainability—you’re doing it with precision and flair. Our controls turn your data into a trusted source of truth, making your sustainability reports clear and dependable.

Easy Implementation & Onboarding

Get up and running quickly with our easy-to-use interfaces, which simplify onboarding and integrates smoothly with upstream, midstream and downstream suppliers and customers.

Peer Ledger enables four-eyes approvals in all of its transactions

Peer Ledger's Compliance Forward approach ensures that every step of the supply chain is embedded with Four Eyes Control. This means that everyone from management to operations can know at what points compliance and sustainability data are not available with a product or its components or ingredients as they move through the supply chain.
Persons in different organizations continuously reconcile transactions for high quality labelling data.

Through bilaterally verified data, any exceptions are immediately visible to prevent fraud. Additionally, a transporter can easily be inserted between buyers and sellers to provide six-eyes controls when desired.

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The ISO 27001-security certified Peer Ledger implements families of controls to protect financial and sustainability data from unauthorized access.

Our controls assure the confidentiality and integrity of financial and sustainability information.

No Circular Disconnects

Peer Ledger's Digital Product Passport platform auto-generates trusted internal product traces for employees and auditors, and repackages their supplier data in approved digital labels for customers, repairers, refurbishers, recyclers, and waste disposers.

Unlike many solutions, Peer Ledgers Digital Product Passport has been designed to meet the need for data accuracy of multiple stakeholders in the Circular Economy.

Fighting Climate Change

Supply chain traceability is enormously important for fighting climate change as well as conflict financing. The majority of carbon emissions emanate from Scope 3 emissions in upstream and downstream supply chains. Timeliness is key. Once a year reporting is not good enough.

Peer Ledger’s DPP platform gives corporations and their customers transparency into products' provenance, the journey of their materials, and carbon accounting in the form of digital product passports.

Peer Ledger supports all types of supplier ecosystems by enabling them to easily capture ESG data with a mobile app, web portal, and/or API interfaces to our powerful Peer Ledger DPP collaboration platform.

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