Peer Ledger’s Top 5 Moments of 2018


Looking back, launching forward.

2018 was a year of momentum in blockchain. Last year the world saw major corporations such as Walmart take the leap to incorporate peer-to-peer data systems in their supply chains . We also witnessed occasions where blockchain could have prevented unfortunate incidents such as the romaine lettuce recall that swept over Canada and the United States.

Canadian government and policy-makers opened up discussion on the practical applications for blockchain in health care, trade, finance and even cannabis legalization. The number of Blockchain meet-ups and conferences held around the globe skyrocketed as developing countries took a keen interest in leveraging its benefits.

There is no doubt that 2019 will see another leap forward for blockchain and AI technologies.  We have put together a collection of Peer Ledger’s best moments from 2018 to share with you.

5)  Joining Hyperledger

At Peer Ledger we have a saying: “collaboration breeds innovation”. We are all about joining forces and building community within the blockchain tech industry.  This is why we were ecstatic to become a part of Hyperledger: the global membership network of more than 270 organizations committed to developing and introducing  blockchain within their operations.

Hyperledger enables companies to build robust, industry specific applications, platforms and hardware systems by creating enterprise-grade, open source distributed ledger frameworks and code bases. We have been able to produce our MIMOSI software by borrowing from Hyperledger’s seasoned framework. As one of the latest members to join, we value these new relationships and the progress they are sure to bring us in 2019.

4) Awards and Recognition

It was one of our goals to increase Peer Ledger’s visibility in the blockchain and Start up Industry.  We are pleased to have been featured in publications by Forbes, The Globe and Mail, Startup Canada, Blockchain Technology News, Deloitte and more.

In 2018 We also celebrated awards from the CANTech Pitch Competition in Toronto (January)  and Atlantic Regional Women in Tech (Dawn Jutla Ph. D., Peer Ledger Founder and Board Chair, and then CEO) in June.

We look forward to making newsworthy developments in 2019.

3)Strategic Alliance with PAMP

A highlight of 2018 was forging a milestone business alliance with PAMP, one of the world’s leading global bullion brands and trusted refiner of gold and precious metals, based in Switzerland. This alliance reaffirmed our commitment to assure the precious metal supply chain is free of counterfeit materials.

PAMPs strategic adoption of Peer Ledger’s MIMOSI platform for precious metals, and its use of VERISCAN,  will allow the Switzerland -based company to provide both authentication and provenance of production from mine sites through to refiners, vaults, manufacturers and consumers through the VERISCAN application.

Together, we’ve ensured all stakeholders know the provenance of precious metals at each step of the supply chain. We are fully committed to solidifying the place of blockchain in deterring the exploitation of artisanal miners in conflict and war zones, and promoting safe, sustainable and ethical natural resource extraction.

2) Launch of MIMOSI

This is possibly our favourite highlight of 2018. In November,  Peer Ledger successfully launched the MIMOSI SaaS platform, expanding on its preliminary use in the precious metal industry to include applications in agriculture, pharmaceuticals and health care, automotive industries and much more.

MIMOSI allows companies to perform the most sophisticated provenance, track- and-trace and transparency operations within their supply chain and network.  Fraud management, inventory protection, chain-of-custody, e-certifications, auditing and security protocols are made simple using integrated APIs and an accessible interface.

This was the culmination of more than two years of vision, collaboration, planning and testing We have  triple checked every detail to bring the public a product we are proud of. We are grateful to all employees, advisors, partners, investors and our software developers who did the legwork that lead to this moment.

1) Becoming the Responsible Sourcing Co.

Our values as well as our versatility separate us from the next leading IT company.

We see blockchain not only as a new and exciting technology, but an impactful social one, that can strengthen trust between brands and consumers. Our work concerns more than streamlining company operations, at our source, we are dedicated to joint social responsibility, as corporations and as individuals. This is why, in 2018 , we decided to become the Responsible Sourcing Company.

Our flagship blockchain application, MIMOSI, enables businesses’ potential to increase safety with faster product recalls, prevention of counterfeit materials in manufacturing,  and data protection in health care; the ability to reduce fraud and protect the environment; as well as to stand for human dignity by protecting worker rights.

Our approach continues to be customer-focused and transparent. We are motivated by the needs of our clients, informed consumers and a changing world and are constantly evolving to give you the best version of us.  We hope you stay with us in 2019 to witness Peer Ledger’s success.


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